Migrants – A Threat To European Society And Culture?
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Over the 10 years from 2012 to 2021, about 41 million people migrated to the European Union, and of those about 3.8 million, have entered illegally. In 2022 alone, 5.1 million migrants moved in. And mind you, there has been no such crisis that would warrant such a large scale migration which continues unabated till date. Presently, even if we cannot say whether it is some conspiracy or clever exploitation of loopholes in international agreements, it is sure intriguing as hell and must set alarm bells ringing.
Migrants Have Led to a Crime Wave in Europe?
In April 2024, official data released by the German Interior Ministry showed that crimes in Germany have reached their highest peak since 2016, registering a 5.5% year-on-year increase. Minister Nancy Faeser vowed to tackle rising crime by speeding up deportations.
Most importantly, data showed that 41% of all crime suspects were foreigners even as foreigners in Germany are 15% of the population. That is, the migrants’ rate of crime was nearly four (3.94) times higher than that of natives. Most of the migrant criminals were from Georgia and the Arab world and western part of North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia).
Earlier, Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office BKA’s 2022 ‘Federal Situation Report on Crime in the Context of Immigration’ revealed that 47,923 German citizens had fallen victim to violent crimes by immigrants. This includes only serious crimes like homicide, attempted homicide, manslaughter, rape, assault, and robbery. If you include other crimes also, the numbers would go up drastically.
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A government-backed analysis of the German state of Lower Saxony, which has taken the fourth-highest number of asylum seekers, showed there was an increase of 10.4% in violent crime between 2014 and 2016. In 2017, 10.4% of murder suspects and 11.9% of sexual offence suspects were asylum-seekers and refugees. In 17% of violent crimes in Lower Saxony that were attributed to refugees, the suspects were North African asylum-seekers who made up less than 1% of the state’s registered refugee population. Heiko Teggatz, chairman of the Federal Police Union, has demanded mass deportations.
In December 2021, John R. Lott Jr. and James Varney for RealClearInvestigations collected homicide data for the European Union for 2010-20, and compared it with rising percentages of each country’s foreign-born population. Even after accounting for variations among countries, the data show that each one percentage point increase in immigrant population is associated with a 3.6% increase in the homicide rate.
Tino Sanandaji of the Institute for Economic and Business History Research in Sweden found the results consistent with other studies in various European countries. The conclusion: Immigrants, as a group, commit crimes at higher rates than the natives.
In 2020, Swedish sociology professor Göran Adamson also published a study showing an unmistakable link of crime with immigration. It concluded that from 2002 to 2017, 58% of criminal suspects in Sweden were immigrants. For murder, attempted murder, and manslaughter, 73% of the suspects were immigrants, and 70% for robberies.
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There are many reasons, including historical and sociological, of their predilection for indulging in crime, particularly sexual offences against white women. We do not have space here to delve into that. Any contrived explanation by Woke and liberals that seeks to invoke the fact of the criminals being young, male, and lonely; of low social status and poor economic background, and with their peculiar value system regarding females, is pure chicanery. What they were and what they hold in their minds is their problem—the law of any country cannot bother about that. For our analysis, the outcome is more important than the cause.
Increasing Islamic Radicalization and Terrorism
There is enough evidence to confirm that many amongst Muslim migrants in France are involved in Islamic terrorism. Interested readers may read Gilles Kepel’s Terror in France: The Rise of Jihad in the West for full details, statistics and analysis. In October 2020, President Emmanuel Macron announced a crackdown on jihadists in Muslim communities in France through a bill. After the 2020 murder of Samuel Paty by his Muslim refugee student, a bill was put forward to fight Islamist extremism and separatism. It was approved by the National Assembly in February 2021.
Why Is the West Reluctant To Act?
Most of them are afraid of being labelled racist or suffering from Islamophobia. The notorious Tedford Sex Scandal in England in which Muslim gangs methodically sexually exploited, raped and threw into prostitution over a thousand minor girls for years was not investigated properly fearing that investigating Asian men would inflame racial tensions. The offenders were emboldened by the absence of police action. Last year, despite terrible destruction by Muslim rioters, the French police did not shoot any rioter.
Only a few days back in Britain, riots involving hundreds of anti-immigration protesters and clashes with police have swept across several cities like Liverpool, Bristol, Hull and Belfast, located in different corners of the country following the murder of three young girls and several others critically injured in a knife attack at a children’s dance club in South Port. While the police claimed the attacker to be a 17-year old Axel Rudakubana, the popular perception maintained that it was a radical Muslim migrant.
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Even if the police are correct, fact remains that there is deep resentment against migrants in general and Muslim migrants in particular. Tommy Robinson, one of the UK’s most prominent far-right activists was arrested and booked under the Terrorism Act 2000 for screening a documentary ‘Silenced’ at a protest involving thousands in London, strengthening the perception that the government is soft on the crisis precipitated by migrants.
Migrants’ Mischievous Refusal to Integrate
The fundamental problem of the Muslim migrants in particular has been found to be that they hold their ‘religious identity’ to be more important than their national identity or any other consideration that the nation sheltering them might expect. European societies do not resent their religion or the practice of their religion. What they really resent is their attitude of remaining ‘eternal outsiders’. This is borne by the historical experience of many other countries also where Muslims have been behaving exactly like that in spite of living there for centuries.
According to a poll by Institut Français d’Opinion Publique in 2020, 46% of Muslims maintained that their religious beliefs were more important than the values and laws of the French republic. It was 74% for Muslim youth under 25.
An increasingly large number of Europeans feel that it is absolutely incongruous to find the migrants insisting upon maintaining their own ‘islands’ amidst the majority in terms of following their own culture, language, customs, and practices completely oblivious of what the country expects from its citizens, and yet have such a terrible sense of entitlement as to demand all rights on a par with the natives.
Muslims migrants in European societies have been found to refuse to accept that the primary responsibility of integration rests upon them who have taken shelter there, not on the hosts.
Multiculturalism Is a Farce
Multiculturalism, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, means a view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture. In practice, however, it translates into appeasement of minorities; accentuation of existing fault-lines; moral degeneration; and perpetuation of ‘islands of darkness’.
Justice Louis Brandeis (famous judge of the Supreme Court of the USA) had declared that Americanization meant the immigrants adopt Americanisms and renounce foreign allegiances, dual loyalties and nationalities. Samuel Huntington, American scholar and political scientist, also says that if millions of European immigrants and their children could achieve wealth, power, and status in American society, it was because they assimilated themselves into the prevailing culture. However, the Muslim migrants are found to have consistently refused to integrate into any mainstream in any country.
Seeking Just Comfortable Life or Something Else
Millions of people from the Third World seek migration to the West (Europe, America, Canada, etc.) ostensibly for better physical quality of life (that is, economic migrants). People suffer freezing snows, raging sea waves or burning deserts just to enter the fabled lands. Or is it something else, we do not know.
They are never able to answer a fundamental question of natives, “Why did you come here in the first place? What it is that you could not get in your country?” Unless one happens to be a political dissident who sought asylum for ideological reasons, all other ‘reasons’ they give, are farcical.
Migrants’ Proclivity to Indulge In Violence
Last year June in France, following police shooting down a Muslim youth in a Mercedes, rioters damaged over a thousand buildings including 99 town hall buildings and two police stations, ransacked banks, set as many as 3,000 cars ablaze and, most despicably, also burned down the largest public library in the city of Marseille.
Rioting and destruction of public and private property must not be tolerated by any government. If the migrants had humanitarian grounds to seek refuge in Europe, they must be grateful to the concerned government for giving them shelter, and must live with humility. If they feel there is discrimination or racial bias anywhere, they must go back. Simple! They must be made to realize that they do not have a ‘divine right’ to indulge in rioting over anything they perceive as injustice or affront to their hallowed religion.
Why Should Migrants be Allowed At All?
The fundamental question is why should migration be allowed except in extreme emergencies? It may sound somewhat insensitive, but if the problems of a nation are to be shared by another nation by taking in an unlimited number of refugees, why the hell do we have separate nations in the first place? As long as the human race does not eliminate nations and form the world government of science fiction, nations will have to solve their problems on their own.
Nations are created primarily on the basis of race, language, and religion. In fact, the very word ‘nation’ comes from Middle English ‘nacioun’ which means ‘a race of people; large group of people with common ancestry and language’. ‘Nacioun’ comes from Old French ‘nacion’ which means birth (naissance). It, in turn, has its roots in Latin ‘natio’ which again means birth, race, tribe, etc. To this Ernst Renan had added the historical past of efforts, sacrifices, and loyalties also. Racism may be bad but race is a fundamental truth of life. You cannot wish it away in the name of the farce of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).
Europe, the Cradle of Western Civilization, Will Be Overrun
In his article, ‘Crisis in Europe’, Bruce Bawer, an American author living in Norway, notes that Europeans, especially in the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Norway, Sweden, Austria and Germany are now increasingly realizing that multiculturalism creates unwarranted friction within society. Despite receiving worldwide praise for her pro-refugee policy, in December 2015, the then German Chancellor Angela Merkel was categorical, “Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and multiculturalism thus remains a living lie.” She called multiculturalism a ‘sham’ and said that ‘we want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably’. She was clear that the concept of living side-by-side and being happy about it simply did not work. According to a poll in 2010, one-third of Germans believed their country was overrun by foreigners.
There is absolutely no evidence that migrants have, in any way, enriched European society and culture cultivated so assiduously over centuries. If they have any view of European culture, it is of derisive hatred because they believe that their religion and the way of life prescribed therein are the only true way.
It must sink in. Societies which, in the name of multiculturalism, let fissiparous tendencies thrive within them are doomed to crack. Unless urgent brakes are applied to migration, it will lead to destruction of European culture as we have known and admired.
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